We are here to help you gain control of your money. With our 3 savings account options, saving has never been easier! Whether it’s a Fixed Deposit, Call Deposit or PureSave Account, you can bank with us, and watch your money grow! We value you, and we are committed to bringing you value for every shilling you save.
And that’s not all! Other benefits include:
- Free monthly e-statements upon signing up
- Free Internet Banking access from anywhere in the world
- Ability to make internal and interbank payment via Internet Banking
- Mobile banking linked to your account
- Ability to deposit funds via M-PESA
- Access to cheque book
- No minimum operating balance
A DADA account gives you up to 6% per annum, on every shilling saved! When you save with us, you save time and money.

Pure save
Whether you are saving to start up your business or accumulating capital to expand your business , a PureSave Account helps you plan and prepare for those important financial milestones.
PureSave Account Features:
- Attractive interest rates paid for all amounts
- One free cash withdrawal allowed per month (over the counter)
- Free access to your savings via Internet Banking
- Free funds transfers from M-PESA to your PureSave account
- Access to your transactional accounts with a link to your PureSave account
- Free inter-account standing orders

Fixed deposits
A fixed deposit is an investment account where a fixed amount of money is invested for a fixed period of time at a fixed rate of interest.
Fixed Deposit Account Features:
- Minimum investment amount of Kes. 20,000
- Deposit amount is fixed during the investment period
- Interest rate is fixed during the investment period and is calculated and paid when it matures
- Funds are available to you upon maturity

Call deposits
A Call deposit account is an investment account that enables you as the investor to access your account instantly. It has no fixed deposit period, provides instant access to funds, and allows unlimited withdrawals and deposits
Withdrawals and deposits can be made at any time. Terms and Conditions apply.
Call Deposit Features:
- No service fee
- Attractive interest rates pegged to prevailing market rates
- Unlimited deposits
- Funds available on demand and no notice needed to transfer to current or savings accounts
- Funds on call can be used as security against advances
- No maximum balance